Deacon Nomination Form

The Nomination Form will help to determine the members of the Official Board of Deacons. Please fill out this form and click submit.

The Offiical Board of Deacons shall be chosen from the voting membership of the Assembly. Eeach member shall be a man of mature experience, who has been a voting member of the Assembly for atleast one year, who is living a Spirit-filled life, who meets the qualifiications set forth in the Scriptures, and according to the standards of the Assemblies of God.


Sec. 3. The Official Board of Deacons shall be chosen from the membership of the assembly. They shall be nominated by a nominating committee made up by the Pastor and the current board members. Nominations may be registered to the Official Board of Deacons no later than one month prior to the annual business meeting so that nominees may be contacted and interviewed to determine their qualifications. They shall be submitted to the assembly during the annual business meeting where a majority vote shall constitute an election. Their terms of office shall be for three years with staggered terms so that all terms do not expire at the same time.

There shall be a limit of no more than three consecutive three year terms (nine years total) for each board member and each board member must be excluded from serving on the board for a minimum of one year. After one year has lapsed, eligibility for nomination will be reinstated.
Special Note: All nominees will be contacted by the Pastor or Official Board of Deacon member. All information concerning the nominee is confidential.


The Nomination Form will help to determine the members of the Official Board of Deacons. Please fill out this form and click submit.